Monday, March 5, 2018

Star City Campaign

Next up is the Mutants & Masterminds 3rd edition campaign I ran. This is the first game I ran where my good meatspace friend, Eric, joined in on the online RPG shenanigans. The group of players for this game changed over time, but as usual, it was a really solid group of players.

I adore superhero campaigns, and while this did end somewhat suddenly (I was kind of burnt out and had no good ideas of where to take the campaign), I am really happy with a lot of what happened in this campaign.

I think I came up with some excellent and memorable NPCs, and we had some genuinely fun adventures throughout the course of the campaign. My only "complaint" is that I do feel the fights would have been more fun and dynamic had we been using HERO system. If only because HERO actually has knockback built into the combat system, which, IMO, superhero combat just needs to feel right. (also, I generally prefer HERO to M&M, but M&M is a real solid system)

Unfortunately, I was unable to retrieve the recordings off of blip before it went down, so most, if not all, of the videos on youtube are uploads from my twitch highlights. Some of which have audio issues, and there are one or two episodes missing, sadly. That said, the vast majority of the campaign is on youtube now.

The campaign playlist can be found here.

Or, you can just watch part one of issue 1, here:

-Peter "MechaGM" Bowman

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