Hey guys,
So, Zeenith in my Twitch chat suggsted the possiblity of me running a one-shot Iron Kingdoms adventure aimed at teaching new players the system.
I honestly wish I had thought of that myself. XD
So, if there is enough interest, I will do so.
I will provide characters. :)
Let me know if you are interested, either here, or you can email me at: mechagm@hotmail.com. If there is enough interest, I'll run the adventure multiple times.
Not sure what day of the week this will happen, but let me know what days work for you.
-Peter "MechaGM" Bowman
Do you mean the Twitch Chatters who are interested will actually be playing in the game with you? Some hands-on time as an actual player would be useful to me if I ever get my group to try that free Fools Rush In adventure I acquired for it.
ReplyDeleteThat would be the idea, yes. :) Will need enough people to show interest, though.
How did interest turn out?