Thursday, February 26, 2015

IKRPG Tutorial Game?

Hey guys,

So, Zeenith in my Twitch chat suggsted the possiblity of me running a one-shot Iron Kingdoms adventure aimed at teaching new players the system.

I honestly wish I had thought of that myself. XD

So, if there is enough interest, I will do so.

I will provide characters. :)

Let me know if you are interested, either here, or you can email me at: If there is enough interest, I'll run the adventure multiple times.

Not sure what day of the week this will happen, but let me know what days work for you.

-Peter "MechaGM" Bowman

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Surly Grognards Episode 113, "Conversions"

This week Eric and I talk about converting already existing material for one RPG system into another system.

If you have any feedback, suggestions (show topic or other) or questions you'd like answered during an episode, please feel free to email us at: or you can post them on our forums at:

"What's In A Name" D&D 4th ed Campaign, episode 6

This week our heroes run afoul of Ironhame's city watch and may have to strike a deal for their freedom.

Players: Eric Carlson, Nik "Y Ruler of Time" Freeman, Michael "Skitch" Schiciano, Word on the Wind & Alice "Mjolna"
GM: Peter "MechaGM" Bowman
Campaign doc can be found here.

Monday, February 9, 2015

The Surly Grognards Episode 112, "Musings On Mecha"

This week Eric and I talk about designing a tabletop wargame, both on some mechanical ideas and on world building for it. Then we talk about what we've been watching/reading for a bit.

If you have any feedback, suggestions (show topic or other) or questions you'd like answered during an episode, please feel free to email us at: or you can post them on our forums at:

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Surly Grognards Episode 111, "Live Sci-Fi Campaign Brainstorming"

This week Eric and I have another campaign brainstorming session... this time, we're doing Science Fiction. We focus almost entirely on creating the structure of the campaign universe, as opposed to coming up with a specific campaign idea.

If you have any feedback, suggestions (show topic or other) or questions you'd like answered during an episode, please feel free to email us at: or you can post them on our forums at:

The Surly Grognards Episode 110

No specific topic this week, but Eric and I talk about some of the Anime we've been watching, some of the games we've been playing and a bit about comics and books we've been enjoying recently.

If you have any feedback, suggestions (show topic or other) or questions you'd like answered during an episode, please feel free to email us at: or you can post them on our forums at:

The Surly Grognards Episode 109, "Playing in the Sandbox"

This week Eric and I talk about some of the challenges and strengths of Sandbox-style RPG campaigns.

If you have any feedback, suggestions (show topic or other) or questions you'd like answered during an episode, please feel free to email us at: or you can post them on our forums at:

"What's In A Name?" D&D 4th Edition RPG Campaign, Episode 5

This week our heroes set out for Ironhame, where one of the party's troubled past surfaces.
This session is broken into two videos since my connection to Twitch dropped mid-session. Sorry!

Part 1

Part 2

Players: Eric Carlson, Nik "Y Ruler of Time" Freeman, Michael "Skitch" Schiciano, Word on the Wind & Alice "Mjolna" GM: Peter "MechaGM" Bowman Campaign doc can be found here.

"What's In A Name?" D&D 4th Ed Campaign, Episode 4

This week our heroes and the chief of the Black Wolves go to Greystone to try and resolve the conflict between the tribe and the town.

Players: Eric Carlson, Nik "Y Ruler of Time" Freeman, Michael "Skitch" Schiciano, Word on the Wind & Alice "Mjolna" GM: Peter "MechaGM" Bowman Campaign doc can be found here.

The Surly Grognards Episode 108, "A New Year and Genre Mashups"

The first episode of 2015! This week Eric and I talk about some of the things we are looking forward to in the new year, and then talk a bit about genre mashups.

If you have any feedback, suggestions (show topic or other) or questions you'd like answered during an episode, please feel free to email us at: or you can post them on our forums at:

"Who Ya Gonna Call?" - A Ghostbusters RPG Adventure

Due to logistical reasons, we couldn't do D&D this week, so I decided to run a one-shot adventure using West End Games' Ghostbusters RPG from 1986.

Players: Eric Carlson, Nikolas Freeman & Michael Schiciano GM: Peter Bowman

The Surly Grognards Episode 107

This week Eric and I discuss a varied selection of things including: board games, anime and Bioware's video games.

If you have any feedback, suggestions (show topic or other) or questions you'd like answered during an episode, please feel free to email us at: or you can post them on our forums at: