Sunday, May 27, 2012

The party continues to explore the caverns and deal with the hobgoblin primordial cult. Then they are faced with a difficult decision.

Players: Arclight, Final Freek, Rollo_T, SonikGav and Y Ruler of Time
GM: MechaGM (ie. ME!)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Our heroes set out to investigate the Primordial cult. Also, one of Darek's magic experiments might have unforseen consequences.

Players: Arlight, Final Freek, Rollo_T, SonikGav & Y Ruler of Time
GM: MechaGM (me!)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Our heroes fight off mysterious attacker from the Feywild and find out some unsettling information.

Players: Arclight, Final Freek, Rollo_T, SonikGav and Y Ruler of Time.
GM: MechaGM (me!)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Our heroes investigate the ruins the Hobgoblin raiding party was exploring and find new and dangerous foes.

You can find previous sessions here:

Players: Arclight, Final Freek, Rollo T, SonikGav and Y Ruler of Time

GM: MechaGM